Gala History
What began as a week-long Festival of Trees in 1990 has evolved into an annual one-night black tie gala. Each year, the net proceeds of the gala are donated directly to the Children’s Critical Care Fund at Star of Hope. As a one-of-a-kind fund-raising effort with a holiday theme, the Trees of Hope Gala has become Houston’s unofficial “kick-off” to the holiday season. The event represents the consummate “party with a purpose”, combining a delightful evening of dinner, shopping, and dancing with a celebration of the important mission of Trees of Hope. In the last 33 years, Trees of Hope has donated over $11.7 million to Star of Hope

2019 French Fete Gala
2018 Bright Lights in the City Gala
The Auction
The well-known Trees of Hope auction features a marvelous array of silent auction items, trees and wreaths and creations from Houston’s most distinguished retailers and designers. During cocktail hour, gala patrons have the pleasure of perusing packages featuring retailers such as Tootsies, Muse Boutique, Kuhl-Linscomb, Tiny Boxwood’s, and more. Trees of Hope is proud to present this amazing auction to its attendees, and it would not be possible without donations from our generous supporters. We are truly thankful.

The Wine Pull

Wine Pull is a fun and exciting part of the Trees of Hope Holiday Gala, featuring wines collected from the Trees of Hope community, wine collectors and wineries. Wines typically range in value from $50 to $350. With just a $100 donation, gala attendees have the chance to take home an amazing, carefully-curated, bottle of wine!