Message from Star of Hope
Dear Trees of Hope,
I'm so thankful for your generosity for the shoes. You didn't have to do this for us, but you did it out of the kindness of your heart. For that, I am blessed and so are you. Stay blessed and keep helping people because God is going to bless you.
3rd grader at
Star of Hope

Dear Trees of Hope,
As a new year is upon us, let me begin by thanking you for keeping Star of Hope on your heart. We are truly blessed by your love and support for the homeless men, women and children in our care. This year Star of Hope is celebrating its llOth Anniversary, marking God's faithfulness to the miracles that happen in the lives of our homeless clients every day.
That is thousands of meals served, families sheltered, individuals clothed, jobs found, and smiles brightened ... that also includes the thousands who have dedicated their lives to serving Jesus Christ. And we could not do any of this without you, our generous supporter.
The work continues and we are seeing greater numbers than ever of women and families in need. We want every woman to experience a successful path to reaching her goals, just like Danielle, featured in your January issue of The Light newsletter. Danielle came to Star of Hope at her breaking point. But now, she is a loving mother and a licensed pharmacy technician trainee at a local community college. With the programs you help provide through your prayers and gifts, we will see many more success stories this year!
Please accept my heartfelt thank you and prayer that the Lord will richly bless you for your kindness toward those in need. ·
Serving with you in Christ,
Hank L. Rush
President & CEO

Dear Trees of Hope,
We truly believe that these kinds of experiences help to shape their world view in a positive way, and therefore their future. Thank you for your continued support in partnering with us for the well being of each child!

Atalia Castro
Manager of Children's Services